Specialty Peppers
50 varieties of hot and sweet pepper starter plants. Large selection of hot peppers with Scoville ratings from 100 to 2,200,000. Habanero Chocolate, Carolina Reaper, Dorset Naga, Scorpion, Tabasco, Utri, Atomic Hybrid, Bulgarian Carrot and Golden Ghost, Thai and Tabasco are just a few. Whether you want sweet peppers for frying, grilling or stuffing or want to make some kick-ass hot sauce or salsa we have the right pepper plant.

Our plants are started from seed in our greenhouses. The collection includes hot and sweet peppers and 140+ varieties of specialty and heirloom tomatoes. Our wide selection gives gardeners the opportunity to try many varieties that would not be found at a typical garden center without having to start the plants from seed at home. You can preorder plants or visit us in May and shop at the farm.

Where to Buy?

Foster Hill Farm
Opening 4.26.25
9 to 5 Daily
21 Stafford St.
Stafford Springs, CT 06076