Half Ass Acres Shawnee Moon

Foaled: 10-29-05 Height: 55 1/2" Color: Tobiano, Dark Brown and White Spotted
Sire: Hollyfield Magic Maguire
Dam: Sedona
Moon has the tough job of watching over all of the foals and mini donkeys and takes this very seriously:-) She loves the foals and keeps an eye out for any possible threats to them. She came from Joe and Dayle Haworth of Half Ass Acres in Tennessee. Joe gave Dayle this sweet girl as a gift and she was just adored by Dayle. I have always admired Moon when I visited Dayle and I was so honored that Dayle would entrust me with her beloved Moon. She has achieved celebrity status at FHF, always a favorite of volunteers and visitors alike. She bellows at feed time for all to hear. She is truly a gentle giant...the sweetest most loving donkey. She is so big yet so careful to be gentle with all who interact with her. We couldn't love her more. Thank you Joe and Dayle for allowing us to have her.