2021 Foals

Foaled: 4.4.21 Color: Dark Brown
Handsome jack foal by our black jack Badlands. 'Emmet' is pictured here as a yearling. He has a draft type structure with a deep hip and great muscling. Both his dam and sire have the blocky conformation we working to develop in our program. American Idol has been retained for a future herdsire.
Sire: Wit's End Badlands Marauder, Black, 30 1/4"
Dam: Gardner's Evangeline, Gray-Dun, 31 1/2"

Foaled: 5.4.21 Color: Dark Brown & White Spotted
FHF Mystic Nite 'Sabrina' is pictured here at 1 year of age. She already is filling out at such a young age. She has her sire's beautiful head and will mature to right around 30". Her ears and eye are expressive. As a yearling she seems to have skipped the awkward growth spurts and looks like a diminutive version of one of our adult breeding jennets. She has also been so easy to train to lead and work around. We will be showing Sabrina at the Music City Donkey show in August 2022.
Sire: Donkette Korral Kryptonite, Black & White Spotted, 30 1/2"
Dam: Flight of Fancy Mystic, Very Dark Brown, 32"

Foaled: 3.30.21 Color: Brown *MSF
Pearl is a friendly donkey that would make a perfect pet. She is confident and gets along with all of the donkeys. She always comes up for attention when we go in her pen. She has prominent garters on her leg and a bold cross. Her full sister, FHF Iris, was just born in 2022 and we decided to keep Iris and offer Pearl for sale.
Sire: Donkette Korral Kryptonite, Black & White Spotted, 30 1/2"
Dam: FHF Ester, Red/Gray-Dun, 31 1/4"

Foaled: 10.26.21 Color: Dark Gray & White Spotted
We retained this little guy (barn name Enzo) for a junior herdsire from our 2021 foals. He is very easy to handle and friendly. He had just been clipped in this picture so his coat looks light and a little uneven. We think that he would still make a great herdsire so we are offering him as a jack or if you would prefer a gelding as a pet we will have him gelded. He is not a year old yet so it will be fine to geld him and he will make a great pet. We are selling him to reduce numbers and we kept quite a few donkeys from last year:-)
Sire: Donkette Korral Kryptonite, Black & White Spotted, 30 1/2"
Dam: Amore Chocolates Mocha, Brown, 31 3/4"
SOLD - Moving to RI